Pharma and Biotechnology
The pharmaceutical and biotechnological industry in the Madrid stands out for the synergy between research institutions, cutting-edge biotech firms, and pharmaceutical giants, all intertwined in a network that thrives on both collaboration and competition.
Biotechnology Laboratory
The strong commitment of the Madrid region to investment in technology parks and biotechnology hubs provides the necessary infrastructure for the generation, installation, and growth of innovative companies. This commitment comes with the added value of integration with universities, research centers, and businesses, creating a conducive environment for the generation of scientific and technological knowledge.
Moreover, Madrid offers cutting-edge research, with prominent biomedical research institutions such as the National Center for Oncological Research (CNIO), the Carlos III Health Institute, CSIC, the Severo Ochoa Molecular Biology Center, the National Center for Biotechnology, or the future National Center for Neurotechnology. These are complemented by key players such as the Biomedicine and Biotechnology Cluster, the Madrid Science Park Foundation, 12 research centers, and 2 scientific and technological parks or bio-incubators.
This solid scientific foundation, coupled with highly qualified human capital and an integrated healthcare system, as well as state-of-the-art research infrastructures and technologies, form the pillars upon which the sector is built. This foundation leads to advancements that translate into therapeutic progress and innovative healthcare solutions.
Here are some statistics about the sector in the Madrid region:
400 Companies
24,000 Direct jobs
Over 20 Manufacturing plants in the region
Over €9.2 billion Turnover in the Madrid region, accounting for 45% of the national total
€17 billion Sector exports in Madrid, representing 63% of the national total
Empresas con centros de investigación, producción o sede en la Comunidad de Madrid
+ 400
+ 24.000
Puestos de trabajo
9.000 M€